Actalyke Activated Clotting Time
The Actalyke Activated Clotting Time test system takes a bold step forward in the management of heparin anticoagulation. Actalyke analyzers are for use at the point of care during cardiopulmonary bypass, cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, hemodialysis and other procedures where heparin monitoring with accurate ACT results is needed. For enhanced user flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Actalyke instruments and test tubes are interchangeable with other ACT systems using electromagnetic clot detection principles.
Two-Point Clot Detection
All premiere Actalyke systems use a two-point clot detection mechanism - one at 0° and another at 90°. This two-point system enables Actalyke to detect a clot at early fibrin formation and is less affected by clot stability. As the clot forms, the magnet travels away from detector 1 toward detector 2. Once it reaches the 46° threshold, the detectors in tandem signify an endpoint. The end result is greater test result reliability, especially on highly heparinized and diluted samples.
Actalyke Reagent Tubes
MAX-ACT, C-ACT, K-ACT, G-ACT – Helena offers a full line of Actalyke ACT tubes, including traditional glass bead, kaolin, celite plus new MAX-ACT. MAX-ACT uses a blend of celite, kaolin and glass bead. Factor XII has been found to be multi-species in nature and may not be fully activated by-one type of activator. By using a cocktail of activators, MAX-ACT provides maximal activation of Factor XII resulting in greater heparin specificity and exceptional linearity.