Actalyke Activated Clotting Time

Actalyke Activated Clotting Time

The Actalyke Activated Clotting Time test system takes a bold step forward in the management of heparin anticoagulation. Actalyke analyzers are for use at the point of care during cardiopulmonary bypass, cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, hemodialysis and other procedures where heparin monitoring with accurate ACT results is needed. For enhanced user flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Actalyke instruments and test tubes are interchangeable with other ACT systems using electromagnetic clot detection principles.

Two-Point Clot Detection

All premiere Actalyke systems use a two-point clot detection mechanism - one at 0° and another at 90°. This two-point system enables Actalyke to detect a clot at early fibrin formation and is less affected by clot stability. As the clot forms, the magnet travels away from detector 1 toward detector 2. Once it reaches the 46° threshold, the detectors in tandem signify an endpoint. The end result is greater test result reliability, especially on highly heparinized and diluted samples.

Actalyke Reagent Tubes

MAX-ACT, C-ACT, K-ACT, G-ACT – Helena offers a full line of Actalyke ACT tubes, including traditional glass bead, kaolin, celite plus new MAX-ACT. MAX-ACT uses a blend of celite, kaolin and glass bead. Factor XII has been found to be multi-species in nature and may not be fully activated by-one type of activator. By using a cocktail of activators, MAX-ACT provides maximal activation of Factor XII resulting in greater heparin specificity and exceptional linearity.

Actalyke XL

ACT Analyzer

(Dual Well) Two-Point Clot Detection

All premiere Actalyke systems use a two-point clot detection mechanism - one at 0° and another at 90°. This two-point system enables Actalyke to detect a clot at early fibrin formation and is less affected by clot stability. As the clot forms, the magnet travels away from detector 1 toward detector 2. Once it reaches the 46° threshold, the detectors in tandem signify an endpoint. The end result is greater test result reliability, especially on highly heparinized and diluted samples.

Actalyke XL Features

• Dual test wells
• Dual clot detection
• Biological & electronic QC functions
• QC functions with lockout option
• Three user security levels
• Demographic storage
• Data storage on disk
• Touch screen interface
• Optional bar code reader for patient ID entry

Product No. / Item

5770 – Actalyke XL Analyzer 110/220V
5758 – Actalyke XL Barcode Reader & Cable
5759 – Actalyke XL Battery Pack
A-PPR – Actalyke Thermal Printer Paper (3 rolls)
XL-ECT – Actalyke Electronic Clotting Tube
5757 – Actalyke Thermometer

Whole Blood Activated Clotting Time (ACT). Accepts Actalyke ACT Tubes with celite, kaolin, glass-bead activators; MAX-ACT Tubes with blended activators; all International Technidyne Hemochron® tubes
Measurement Range:
0-1500 seconds
Incubation Temperature:
36.5°C - 37.5°C- (97.7°F - 99.5°F)
(W x H x L) 10.7 x 8.0 x 12.0” (27.2 x 20.3 x 30.5 cm)
3.2 x 4” (8.1 x 10.2 cm) Color LCD Touch Screen
Weight (with printer):
6.8 kg (15 lbs.)
Line Voltage:
47-63 Hz, 85-265 V A/C
15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F)
Data Input:
LCD touch screen; Optional bar code reader for patient ID entry
Data Transfer Capability:
3.5” Diskette, RS232, RF Transmit, Printer
CLIA Classification:
Moderately Complex
CE Certified:
NCCLS-POCT 1-A Compliant

Actalyke ACT Tubes

ACT Tubes


Cat. No. / Item / Description

MAX-ACT –  MAX-ACT Tubes (Gray Flip-Top), 50 tubes/box

MAX-ACT Tubes, with an upper linearity limit of 6 units of heparin per mL of blood, are ideal for monitoring patients receiving moderate to high heparin dosages. For maximum heparin specificity, MAX-ACT contains multiple particulate activators - kaolin, celite, and glass beads - that ensure maximal Factor XII activation and compensate for potential patient sensitivity to a single activator. To perform test, simply add 0.5 cc of whole blood to the MAX-ACT tube, mix and insert into the Actalyke. Results are displayed in seconds. Store tubes at room temperature.

Celite Tubes

Cat. No. / Item / Description

C-ACT –  Celite ACT Tubes (Black Flip-Top), 50 tubes/box

C-ACT Tubes contain a celite (diatomaceous earth) activator and can be used to monitor patients undergoing procedures requiring administration of moderate to high heparin concentrations. Perform testing by adding 2.0 cc of whole blood to the tube, mix, and insert tube into the Actalyke. Store Celite ACT tubes at room temperature.

Kaolin ACT Tubes

Cat. No. / Item / Description

K-ACT –  Kaolin ACT Tubes (Yellow Flip-Top), 50 tubes/box

Kaolin ACT Tubes are useful in monitoring patients receiving moderate to high heparin concentrations, in the presence of anti-fibrinolytics. Testing requires adding 2.0 cc of whole blood to the tube, mix, and insert tube into the Actalyke. Store tubes at room temperature.

Glass Bead ACT Tubes

Cat. No. / Item / Description

G-ACT –  Glass Bead ACT Tubes (White Flip-Top), 50 tubes/box

The Glass Bead ACT is useful for monitoring patients undergoing procedures requiring low to moderate heparin dosages.

Actalyke Quality Controls

AQC-HP Control Kit for MAX-ACT, C-ACT, K-ACT

Cat. No. / Item / Description

AQC-HP –  QC Kit 1 Normal, 1 High Control
10 x 1 mL QC Level - I
10 x 1 mL QC Level - III
2 x 10 mL Diluent
2 x 10 mL Calcium Chloride

The QC Kit is for use in verifying reagent performance with MAX-ACT, C-ACT and K-ACT Tubes. The kit provides two levels of quality control, normal and high. The lyophilized control is stable one hour at room temperature once reconstituted.

AQC-LP Control Kit for G-ACT

Cat. No. / Item / Description

AQC-LP –  G-ACT QC Kit 1 Normal, 1 Low Control
10 x 1 mL QC Level - I
10 x 1 mL QC Level - II
2 x 10 mL Diluent
2 x 10 mL Calcium Chloride

The G-ACT QC Kit is for use in verifying reagent performance with Glass Bead ACT (G-ACT) Tubes. The kit provides two levels of quality control, normal and low. The lyophilized control is stable one hour at room temperature once reconstituted.

Actalyke Mini II

ACT Analyzer

Activated Clotting Time (ACT) Analyzer

The MINI II is the simplest, least expensive ACT instrument available, yet it retains high sensitivity, 2-point clot detection for greatest reliability. Performance, linearity and CVs parallel larger Actalyke analyzers. It’s ideal for use in the catheterization, dialysis or the surgical suite. Optional battery pack available.

6” Footprint - The MINI II features a very small footprint, but has a very large high visibility screen. Operation of the MINI II is extremely simple. Just insert the ACT reagent tube containing whole blood and push the button.

Full Cross-Compatibility - The MINI II is fully compatible with all ACT tubes. Helena offers a full line of Actalyke ACT tubes, including traditional glass bead, kaolin and celite, plus new MAX-ACT.

Product No. / Item

5753 – Actalyke MINI II Analyzer, 110/220V (w/ printer)
5755 – Actalyke MINI II Analyzer, 110/220V (without printer)
5763 – Actalyke MINI II, 110/220V (with printer and battery)
5765 – Actalyke MINI II, 110/220V (with battery)
5754 – Actalyke MINI II Battery Pack
5757 – Actalyke Thermometer
XL-ECT – Actalyke Electronic Clotting Tube

Whole Blood Activated Clotting Time (ACT). Accepts Actalyke ACT Tubes with celite, kaolin, glass-bead activators; MAX-ACT Tubes with blended activators; all International Technidyne Hemochron tubes
Measurement Range:
0-1500 seconds
Incubation Temperature:
36.5°C - 37.5°C- (97.7°F - 99.5°F)
6.1”W x 4.8”H x 6.3”L (15.5 x 12.2 x 16.0 cm)
3.2 x 1" (8 x 2.54 cm)
Weight (with printer):
5.3 lbs. (2.4 kg) (with battery)
Line Voltage:
47-63 Hz, 85-265 V A/C (Battery optional-DC)
15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F)
Data Transfer Capability:
Printer option available for hard copy
CLIA Classification:

In Lab Demonstration?

Thank you for exploring Actalyke and MAX-ACT. Contact us for more information or an in-lab demonstration.